Mahdi Khaleghi

Birth: 1977 Mashhad | Iran

Education: Master's degree of Theology, history and civilization of the Islamic nations



Skills and courses I have spent:
1. Course of directing documentary film at the Husseinieh Institute of Art - Tehran for one year
2. Writing course in Husseinieh Art Mashhad
1.More than ten director courses in universities and institutes in Iran and other countries, such as Ferdosi Univercity
2. Teaching 5 screenwriting courses in Mashhad cultural and artistic institutions
3. Different lectures on the role of the media in improving the status of asylum seekers and attending screenings and screening of documentary films on the subject.
Documentary films:
1.End of oblivion: The lives of displaced people in southern Iran living in tents
2. Hamzabani&bizabani (Documentary TV series – 17 part – 2009) : 3.Afghan youth lives with friends and family from different countries and now he is looking for his lost identity.
4.My Afghanistan(2012) : Documentary about Afghanistan is one of the most migratory countries
4. helper of betolmahdi(2012) : A man who helps poor people and immigrants in Mashhad after retirement
5, my son(2015) : An old woman who has lost her boyfriend in war and now lives with her memories.
6. Rohingyas dream (2017) : About the Rohingya people displaced from their homes. Arafatallah is a Rooheening child living in refugee camps in Bangladesh. The story of his life is tragic and adventurous.
1. The eye of war : The life of one of those who participated in the war on Saddam's terrorism
2. Bedroom: The life of one of the refugee women raped in the PMOI