Seid Salim Ghafouri

Birth: 1973 Rasht

Education: Computer Engineering


Cultural and Artistic Experiences:
Director and documentary producer, cultural activist and directing executive of Misagh Cultural Center
Director of movies such as: “Iraq, the Land of Wars”, “Somali’s Last Children”, “Kashmir, the Forgotten Paradise”
Producer of a great deal of documentary programs such as: “Zephyr of Life”, “The Hidden War”, “The Persians of Zanzibar”, “Asians Go to Gaza”, “Freedom Flotilla”, “Margraves”, “Uprising of Sahara”, “Mysteries of Abusalim Prison”, “the Half Off”, “Black Dreams” and so on so forth.
A member of the Jury of Tasnim film festival and Dena regional festival
A member of the Jury of Tehran International Short Film Festival and Fajr Film Festival in documentary section for two years
Influential activities in fields of hiring, training and organizing talented young people in regard to founding several groups of documentary filmmakers.