Birth: 1359 Torbat Heydarieh

Education: Majored in: Technology Management, M.A

Email: evazzadeh_Mahdi@yahoo.com

1. Directing and editing of the documentary film “Martyr of the Altar”, (a shared work with Mohsen Eslamzade), ordered by Revayate Fat-h
2. Directing the short documentary series of 30-episode film “ bread and Basil”, (a shared work with Mohammad Lotfian”, channel 5
3. Directing the documentary film “ in Search of a Land” (about the Muslims ledgers (refugees) of “Rohingya”,( Myanmar, Bangladesh), in the production stage
4. Directing the documentary about “industrial districts of Tehran, ( a shared work with Mohammad Lotfian”,
5. Directing consultant of the documentary film “I asked the teacher”/ Kenya, directed by Mohammad Lotfian
6. Directing consultant of the documentary film “ Creator: the Forbidden Truth”/ Tibet, directed by Mohammad Lotfian
7. Directing of photography of the documentary series “ Volunteers of the Dawn3” about Turkish Martyrs in Iran’s Holy War
8. Directing of photography of the documentary series “ Volunteers of the Dawn4” about Lebanese Martyrs in Iran’s Holy War
9. Editing of the documentary series “ Volunteers of the Dawn2” about Afghani Martyrs in Iran’s Holy War
10. Editing the documentary film “ Following Hector”/ Venezuela
11. Production coordinator and assistant director of the film “Welcome to London”, directed by Reza Zahtabchian