The Motherland

Director: Mahdi Avaz zade
Director of photography: Mahdi Avaz zade | Mahdi khoshnejad
Editor: Reza Zahtabchian
Production year: 2012
Country: Bangladesh
Duration: 1 episode | 50 minutes

A country in South Asia.
Rohingyan Muslims are the old residents of Arakan who have lived there for hundred years but in the last five decades were oppressed and persecuted by Mynamar government and extreme Buddhists, but suspiciously their news has always been either boycotted or marginalized.
“The Motherland” is a documentary that looks into Rohingyan Muslims’ conditions in Arakan in Myanmar, and tries to disclose the reasons of such conditions. 

كليه حقوق اين اثر متعلق به ميباشد.
هرگونه تقليد و نقل مطالب بدون ذكر منبع ممنوع می باشد.


Director: Mahdi Avaz zade

Director of photography: Mahdi Avaz zade | Mahdi khoshnejad

Editor: Reza Zahtabchian

Production year: 2012

Country: Bangladesh

Duration: 1 episode | 50 minutes