Alone among the Taliban
Researcher and Director: Mohsen Eslamzadeh Director of photography: Mohsen EslamZadeh Editor: Esmail Alizade
Writer: Ali Pirhadi
Production year: 2014-16 Country: Afghanistan Duration: 1 episode, 60 minutes 
It was necessary for Mohsen Eslamzadeh, the Iranian filmmaker to make some journeys to Afghanistan, in order to get permission for filming in Taliban''s areas, that it was impossible for other filmmakers in the last decade, at least. The documentary "Alone among the Taliban" is trying to transfer a direct narration to the viewers. The filmmaker goes to everywhere that is possible, from jail to courts of Islamic state, to have interviews with local authorities and the members of the Fatwa council. Although Eslamzadeh asked Taliban to have a visit with one of their big authorities, but... |
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